How Does It Work?

How does it work?

Installed in the foundations, underneath the concrete slab and with an ascent along the foundation walls, ObeX11® is a termite-repellent vapor barrier. The Yellow layer, containing the ecological repellent, faces the soil to deter termites.

The additive in ObeX11® is Termirepel®™, which is a 100% natural, non-toxic, and non-hazardous termite repellent. Termirepel®™ is a special blend of essential oils and ingredients that have proven to repel termites through laboratory and field-testing. It has been tested and certified to perform multiple functions. ObeX11® meets the requirements of a moisture barrier set forth by the ICC/IRC.

The LSU Ag Center Wood Durability Laboratory has performed numerous laboratory tests to prove that this product will stand up against the areas toughest species of Formosan Termites. All of the tests that were conducted are under and IAS accredited standards.

Why use ObeX11®?

The wood blocks you see show some of the actual results of the extensive testing done on ObeX11® Termite Repellent Plastic Sheeting.

Each block of wood was covered with a plastic sheeting and exposed to hundreds of termites.

The column on the left is the wood covered in ObeX11® plastic sheeting after the testing.

The column on the right is the wood covered in the industry standard plastic sheeting after the exact same test.

The results are very clear.

Which do you trust to protect your home?


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